No One Should Be Homeless

Bob the Janitor

A Story of Success

Meet Bob. For many years Bob spent his life on the streets as an alcoholic and previously spent time in jail. For many years he was known as Bob the Bum.

As a Chippewa First Nation member at one time, Bob had a promising career as a paramedic. One night working as a paramedic, he answered an emergency call where he lost his wife and children in a car fatality. He turned to drink and was reduced to dumpster-diving in East Vancouver.

Since coming to the Comox Valley 17 years ago, Bob has slept under a walkway, at an abandoned house and in a tent behind Safeway. A couple of years ago drinking at the Avalanche Bob was taken to the hospital with no vital signs. Something he describes as a “Giant wake up call.”

Through the persistence of Dawn to Dawn Action on Homelessness Society and most importantly Bob himself he has been housed by Dawn to Dawn and sober for five years and now works part-time as a janitor at the Comox Mall

Thanks Bob for reminding me of why I do what I do. Why one should never lose hope and check their judgements. May all folks on the street today be soon housed and offered the same opportunity to thrive. Bob Galligan you sir are my hero.

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